
Showing posts from January, 2021

Design Direction: Week 1

Week 1 Mon 25  We had our first meeting back today for the new module, Design Direction. Matt and Kate went over all the work we're going to do, from the portfolio requirements to writing our own briefs. I spent more of today going through bits of my portfolio and started to brainstorm ideas for my brief. Tues 26 We had a long workshop today, lasting from 9:30am till around 4pm. All four of the workshops were interesting but used a lot of brainpower. I came up with many different outcomes for the individual workshops: I liked the workshop 'Finding Your Voice' because it made me look at the things I hate and try to find a way to solve a problem within it - almost like finding a way out of hating that one particular issue. Wed 27 I booked a portfolio review with Kate today because creating and progressing with a portfolio was something I was unsure about. I found it useful to go through the pieces of work I had chosen and see the best order to place them in. We decide that I