Reflection: Week 9

Week 9

Mon 16
This week is focusing on brand language, the why that brand portrays themselves to their costumer. We had a Kickstarter due in today at 5pm so I spent the morning completing that task.

Tues 17
The workshop today was by Ian and it was a very enjoyable one. There were many workshops and they were all fast-paced with a time limit. I really liked the one for brand name development:  by creating a large mindmap and having a section for different types of brand names e.g. Latin versions, two words joined, colours, rocks, I was able to quickly generate a large number of potential brand names.

Wed 18
I had a learning teams meeting today to talk about which client we had chosen and how far we have progressed with it. It was also interesting to hear from my coursemates and how they're developing with their brands.

Thurs 19
Today's lecture was on brand identity which fits quite well with what I've been working on for my main brief this week. I got to explore how brand identity is started and how it can naturally fall down many different directions to reach the final outcome of the brand.

My essay is also due on Friday so I was making some final edits and rereads before I submit it the next morning as it's due in at 4pm.

Fri 20
I got my essay in at 9am so that I could focus on the rest of my work for today. Because we had started developing my brand identity in the workshop on Tuesday, I wanted to create a set of boards that showcased my brand identity in visual elements too.
