Reflection: Week 2

 Week 2

Mon 28
We had the second Stage 2 Meeting today with Matt and Kate where they explain what would be happening over this week.  Since this week we're learning about structures and grids that go with InDesign, I was interested to see what the workshop would contain on Tuesday.

Tues 29
I participated in both workshops on Tuesday. The first workshop was called 'Shapes' where we were giving a variety of shapes and had a certain interval of time to arrange them in any way we wanted. This workshop made us think quickly and effectivity and just focus on getting all the shapes positioned. The second workshop was called 'Grids x4' where we were given a set of articles/posters and we had to work out what type of grid has been placed on each one of them. It started off hard since quite a few of the poster were quite minimal so it was tricky to come up with a well suited grid. 

Wed 30
I worked on my project due for Friday today, the ' I, Rosebush' double spread. It started off quite challenging because I wasn't getting to grips with my layout choices so kept on doubting the overall look I wanted to go for. So I spoke to Kate about it and she helped clear up everything I was struggling with e.g. my body text was too big which is way I was struggling with an overall arrangement. 

Thurs 1
The textworks lecture today focused on the idea of consumerism and modernity. It was interesting to learn how consumerism surrounds us naturally in our daily lives and influentials us to the point where we can get judged on anything, from what we wear, eat, and activities we partake in.

Fri 2
My double spread publication 'I, Rosebush' was due in today at 9:30am so I submitted it the night before. I was happy with the overall effort I put into creating the publication even if it's just a very simple design. Additionally, I watched the guest speakers video, who was Polina Hohonova which was very insightful into the broader use of grids in design.
