Reflection: Week 4

Week 4

Mon 12
The Stage 2 Meeting this week was about us getting on with our main publication brief and to use all the things we had learned in the past workshops. I started from the basics and started to look for potential typography and also explore a variety of different colour palettes that could be used for the publication.

Tues 13
Today I had a group learning teams with Kate where we discussed about how were were finding the brief and at what point we're at for the development of our publications. It was interesting to see where everyone else was at this stage as well as gathering more useful tips from Kate for publication mockups and creating flatplans.

Wed 14
Worked mostly in the studio today to get ahead of all the stuff Kate mentioned to us in the learning teams. I focused mostly on getting my flatplan started for my publication.

Thurs 15
The lecture this week was on Motivation with the topics of ideology and happiness coming into plan. Learning about the origins of motivation and how it was stemmed from the need to have more knowledge was interesting especially since motivation is much more widespread today. We also had a briefing for our next essay which is due in November.

Fri 16
Had a lovely sunrise swim this morning to start off the day. I continued on with developing the basic ideas I had for my publications and trialing out typography and colour arrangements.
