Design Direction: Week 2

Week 2

Mon 1 
I had our usual Stage 2 Meeting this morning with Matt. We found out that we would be presenting the initial ideas for our self-initiated brief next week, so I decided to focus on consolidating what ideas I wanted to focus on so I could clearly choose the best course of direction next week. Later on today, I had Tim's lettering workshop: it was very interesting to do over Teams and play around with the parallel pen again.

Tues 2
I had the workshop 'Creative Catalyst' today, and we got to work in pairs which made the workshop really engaging. Having someone to talk to really helped with the fast development for each activity as well as pin-out certain problems or queries we had with our current brief ideas.

Wed 3
I continued to review the work that I had done in the workshop on Tuesdays because I had generated lots of ideas but wanted to work more on the actual foundations of these mini briefs by either rewriting them or explaining them further.

Thurs 4
This week's lecture was called 'Design got us into this mess', and reading/listening to the presentation beforehand helped to highlight some major points discussed in the lecture discussion. 

Fri 5
We didn't have a guest lecturer this week so I got to really focus on my work and research today. I focused on finding current trends and apps that involved elements of recycling and helping the plant and was pleased to find quite a variety. Another thing to note was the obvious reoccurrence of the colour green which appeared in many of the chosen brands. This might be something to bear in mind when I get onto creating my brand identity.
