Collaborative Practice: Week 3

 Week 3

Mon 12 
In the Stage 2 Meeting together, we were told about the reflective report which we were required to write about our experience of second-year Graphic Design - a way to reflect on all of your successes and challenges of the second year. 

When then had our 'Now Here' meeting where we were joined by Mark Jesset, a creative paper consultant. Hearing him talk about paper and all their different qualities was very interesting and insightful especially since I'm planning on printing my publication at the end, so experimenting and having paper options later is quite important.

Tues 13
We had an all-day workshop with ICBQ today, where we were put into groups and had to bring to life our discarded photos in an exciting way for your audience. I had produce lots of extra, interesting photos over the past few weeks so it took a while to choose the ones I wanted to submit. We spent the rest of today going over all our images to see if we could find any natural links for our presentation - one thing ICBQ mentioned to us was that we didn't have to be the traditional route of having a printed booklet for our images, we could make it digital or even just on one big sheet.

Wed 14
I met up with my ICBQ group early today because we wanted to consolidate the form, we wanted to present our images. Overall we liked the idea of a concertina publication because the way it flows when spread out would allow for our images to be seen as one. Additionally, we found that many of the images contained lots of movement when displayed on a screen so we split up into two groups: one to create a physical publication and another to create a digital version with the images moving and animation.

Thurs 15
Having finished all my animation work the night before, I met up with my group online to go over and finalised our two publications. It was amazing to see the concertina displaying all our discarded images and comparing them to the video version - they both showcased the images but in very different ways. 

There was also some textwork essay sessions going on today, which was very useful to go to. Writing this literature review has been very challenging especially since I haven't written one before. I receive lots of female designers and books that could help me get started. 

Fri 16
The feedback session today was really good. ICBQ joined us and getting their feedback and suggestions for our work has opened up lots more ideas for my main project - I really liked the idea of collaging some of my images together to build up more depth. Also to research certain editing styles that would suit urban-type photos so that I could practice editing them in post.
