
Showing posts from September, 2020

Reflection: Week 2

  Week 2 Mon 28 We had the second Stage 2 Meeting today with Matt and Kate where they explain what would be happening over this week.  Since this week we're learning about structures and grids that go with InDesign, I was interested to see what the workshop would contain on Tuesday. Tues 29 I participated in both workshops on Tuesday. The first workshop was called 'Shapes' where we were giving a variety of shapes and had a certain interval of time to arrange them in any way we wanted. This workshop made us think quickly and effectivity and just focus on getting all the shapes positioned. The second workshop was called 'Grids x4' where we were given a set of articles/posters and we had to work out what type of grid has been placed on each one of them. It started off hard since quite a few of the poster were quite minimal so it was tricky to come up with a well suited grid.  Wed 30 I worked on my project due for Friday today, the ' I, Rosebush' double spread.

Reflection: Week 1

Week 1 Mon 21 Had our first Stage 2 Meeting today, got to meet all the Second Year Lecturers and find out about all the new modules we would be doing this year. Was very interested to hear about the Typography and Branding modules and they were topics we got a little experience with, in the first year. Am excited to learn more about them. For activity 1, I looked at the Designers: Piet Zwart, Emil Ruder, and Barry Deck as they were people I didn't know and were interested to learn about. Tues 22 Participated in the 'content' workshop today where we were looking at the ideas of 'content and hierarchy'. I enjoyed learning how to find which pieces of information which could be labeled as primary, secondary, or tertiary elements. As well as creating a large variety of poster layouts for the horror film festival - it made me realise that it's quite easy to create many different designs if you don't focus on just one piece that you think is important. Wed 23 Today