Design Direction: Week 6

Week 6 Mon 1 The Meeting this week spoke about how we should have consolidated our brand identity and should be moving to refining our visual language and choosing touchpoints. I knew that my brand would be presented in the form of an app but what additional elements did I want to add to support it? Tues 2 This week in my learning team, I presented some of my starting brand identity ideas to see if my visuals and written ideas linked up properly. Some agreed that I had built a good foundation but that I should start on some touchpoints to get the visual design rolling - it's something I always struggle to start even if it's something that I'm confident with. Thurs 4 The lecture today discussed 'Feminism and the Visual Art'. This topic was particularly interesting for me because I'm thinking of researching feminism and design for my dissertation. The representation of women was very heavily discussed during this discussion and I really made me wonder why we on...