Collaborative Practice: Week 4

Week 3 Mon 19 Had our last Stage 2 meeting of the second year which was very weird. It's been really nice having these weekly meetings just to see coursemates who I haven't seen in a while and ask any general questions for the week. I spend the majority of the day just editing all my images for my publication as I had finished all my photoshoots. I used Lightroom to do this and it was very fun playing around with all the different settings it provides. Tues 20 to Thurs 22 I spent the last couple of days working on my publication: editing the images, looking at different layouts and exploring some well know publications for inspiration. I found that I difficult to decide a clear layout that I wanted throughout so I ended up choosing the idea of collaging Also, I ordered ICBQ's latest magazine issues because I was really interested to see how they laid out their work. The publication showed off so many different designers and their work and it really helped me build up...